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Ginseng Tea Benefits

Much study has been done on the benefits of ginseng tea and its popularity is increasing. Some people like the stimulating effects of ginseng tea while others use it for various purposes including:
  • Improvement in thinking
  • Accelerating reaction time
  • Boosting resistance to viral infections
  • Increasing resistance to the effects of stress, and
  • Improving circulation and preventing disease.

The following are Ginseng Tea health benefits according to WebMD:

Ginseng tea increases resistance to the effects of stress and improves circulation and mental functioning.

Health conditions contributed to be stress include increased acidity of the body chemistry, back pain, cancer, Crohn's disease (inflammation of the intestinal tract), depression, chronic diarrhea, digestive disorders, hair loss, headaches, hypertension or high blood pressure, impotence, insomnia, TMJ syndromes (jaw pain and clicking), nervous and anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive behaviors, various skin conditions, and finally, ulcers. Ginseng tea, whether it comes from Korea or Minnesota, is for people who have chronic fever, thirst, hot flashes, people who crave excess sweets and have excess hunger.

Ginseng tea has shown cancer-preventive effects and may reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

One study found that among more than 4,600 people over the age of 40, ginseng users were approximately 70% less likely to develop cancer compared to those who did not take the herb. They also found that the more frequently ginseng tea was consumed, the lower the risk of getting cancer was.

Dried ginseng root may help people with type 2 diabetes control blood sugar levels.

One study showed that in the diabetics, ginseng tea lowered blood sugar 20% more than placebo pills. Among those who did not have diabetes, there was also a similar drop in blood sugar levels.

In general, human studies have mainly found increased "quality of life" among those taking ginseng tea. Ginseng has a street reputation as an ancient aphrodisiac. In the May 1995 issue of the journal British Pharmacology, a study concluded that substances in ginseng known as ginsenosides may work in a similar way to Viagra. One Chinese Herb company uses ginseng in pills to treat premature ejaculation.

Consumers who purchase ginseng and ginseng tea should consider the source and the product.
No federal agency enforces quality control over the ingredients of many products. Studies of 54 ginseng products found that 25% contained no ginseng at all, and 60% contained only trace amounts so consumers may not know exactly what they're buying -- whether a jar labeled "ginseng," for example, really has ginseng in it.
From teabenefits.com

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